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Jesus said, "I have come in order that you may have life - life in all its fullness."            

John 10:10

Welcome to Year 3

Mrs Bramley - Class Teacher

Miss Rawlinson - Classroom Assistant

Mrs Atkinson - Class Teacher, Wednesday

Mr Stevenson - PE Coach

Miss Styan - Y3 Phonics & Reading Intervention Teacher

Christian Value

Our focus for this half term is HONESTY. We will be adding to our Values tab how we are exploring how that looks in our school and how we can live it out in our lives, as Jesus taught us to.

Things to remember:

  • School planners and your reading book should be brought into school each day.
  • A water bottle should be brought into school each day.  Fresh water only please.
  • PE lessons are on Fridays.  Please bring a named PE kit in a bag into school.
  • Toast can be purchased via Parent Pay. It is £1 per week or £10 per term.

Daily Timetable

Start of school is at 8.50 am

End of school is at 3.20 pm

Playtime is at 10.30 am 

Helpful Links for Learning at home