Jesus said, "I have come in order that you may have life - life in all its fullness."
John 10:10
Welcome to Year 1/2
Miss Baron - Class Teacher
Miss Jones - Classroom Assistant
Mrs Cooper – PPA Teacher
Mr Stevenson - PE Coach
Christian Value
Our focus for this half term is Honesty. We will be adding to our Values tab how we are exploring how that looks in our school and how we can live it out in our lives, as Jesus taught us to.
Daily Timetable
Start of school is at 8.50 am
End of school is at 3.20 pm
Playtime is at 10.30 am and at 2.15 am
Tuck is £1 per week or £10 per term. This can be paid electronically.
Please use Parent Pay. Fruit is also still available each day to children.
Water Bottles
Your child should bring a water bottle into school each day, fresh water only, please.
Outdoor PE
Every Friday PM with Mr Stevenson
Please bring a named school PE kit into school.
PE bags can be left in the classroom.
Welcome back!
Welcome back after the Christmas term!
This half term we are focusing on the book ‘The Dragons Machine’, looking at what the weather is like in the UK within Geography lessons alongside many more exciting learning opportunities. At the end of this half term Y1/2 will be presenting their learning so far within their class sharing assembly.
Please continue to access 'Learning with parents' to support children to learn at home.
Any questions, please come and see me.
Miss Baron
We enjoyed celebrating Inter Faith Week!
Year1/2 are able to create knock knock jokes using the app scratch!
Take a look at our English book for this half term.
Take a look at our Knowledge organiser for this half term.
We love to read
Children in Year 1/2 engage in 4 reading sessions per week or 4 practice reads each week. Both these sessions support children to use their expanding and developing phonics knowledge to enjoy reading.
Children are able to change their going home book twice a week and enjoy adding cubes to our reading champions jar each day!
Our class Novel is - The Faraway Tree collection written by Enid Blyton
Check out the news report on Amelia Earhart.
Welcome Back!
After a wonderful summer break, I can't wait to see you all in our brand-new Year 1/2 classroom!
We will keep having fun and working hard as we continue our schooling together. As always, if anyone has any worries or questions, please come and arrange a time to speak with me.
Miss Baron.
Useful links and videos to support children at home.
Year 1 Phonics - Little Wandle Year 1 Phonics Scheme
Year 2 - Little Wandle Spelling Year 2 Spelling Scheme
Year 1 - White Rose Maths Take a look at what Year 1 children will be learning in Maths this year.
Year 2 - White Rose Maths Take a look at what Year 12 children will be learning in Maths this year.
Maths Place Value games Top marks website
Application of phonics to reading
This video explains the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised approach to the application of phonics to reading.
The Counting by Twos Song | Counting Songs | Scratch Garden
Go up into space as you count up by twos with a dog and a song on a crazy rocket cruise!
The Counting by Fives Song | Counting Songs | Scratch Garden
Count by fives from zero to one hundred!
I Can Say My Number Pairs 10 | Math Song for Kids | Number Bonds | Jack Hartmann
Number pairs for 10.