Jesus said, "I have come in order that you may have life - life in all its fullness."
John 10:10
Welcome to Year 3MH!
The adults working with our class are:
Miss Henshaw (Class Teacher)
Miss Smith (Teaching Assistant)
Mr Stevenson (Sports Coach)
Miss Styan (PPA cover and intervention support)
Christian Value
Our focus for this half term is HONESTY. We will be adding to our Values tab how we are exploring how that looks in our school and how we can live it out in our lives, as Jesus taught us to.
Things to remember:
- School planners with reading book should be brought in everyday.
- Each child should have their own water bottle in school that they can use in class.
- PE lessons are on Mondays.
Toast can be purchased online and it is £10 a term.
Children will have their own reading books to take home. We look forward to seeing your progress and adding to our reading jar...when and what will be our first class reward?
Children in Year 3 enjoy focussed reading sessions every day where you can develop your reading and comprehension skills.
There is also a reading corner in the classroom where children can enjoy a quiet read.
We will be reading a class book - This term, we are reading... The Iron Man by Ted Hughes.