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St Paul's C of E

Primary School

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Year RNH

Jesus said, " I have come in order that you may have life-life in all its fullness".

                                                                                                       John 10:10



Class Teacher: Mrs Halligan


Teaching Assistants: Mrs Wood and Miss McFarlane

Management and PPA Cover Teacher: Ms Blair  (Thursday)

PE Teacher: Mr Stevenson (Friday AM) 

Speech and Language Intervention: Mrs Babcock



Christian Value


Our value for this half term is HOPE  


We will be adding to our Values tab, how we are exploring how that looks in our school and how we can live it out in our lives, as Jesus taught us to.

The children have really enjoyed World Book Day.  A big thank you to parents for providing some fantastic costumes. 

World Book Day

Daily Timetable

School starts at 8.45 am

Lunch 12:00pm - 1:00pm

School finishes at 3.15 pm



Tuck costs £10 per term. This should be paid for through Parent Pay.   


Children in Reception receive a free piece of fruit every day


Children will be given a free drink of milk with their snack every day until they reach the age of five.


Water Bottles

Please bring a water bottle to school every day.  We are a healthy school and bottles should contain water only.



Every Friday morning with Mr Stevenson. Please ensure all items of PE clothing are named.  PE bags will be left in the classroom and taken home each half-term holiday for a good wash!


Our Reception topics this year are:

Autumn One


Autumn Two

Transport and Journeys

Spring One

Polar Lands

Spring Two

Down on the Farm

Summer One

Walking through the Jungle

Summer Two

Under the Sea

Happy New Year!


Welcome back, we hope you have all had a lovely Christmas with your families. Thank you for all your support last year. The children have settled well into their Reception class and are making good progress. Our Nativity was a real success, the children were amazing, showing great confidence and super singing skills!


We are looking forward to a fun-filled half-term of learning, finding out about Polar Animals and engaging in lots of exciting activities based on the text 'Little Red Riding Hood'.


Please continue to help your children at home with the 'Learning with Parents' activities, and, listen to your child read their book at least 2 times each week. 

We are encouraging the children to get dressed by themselves for PE and we ask that you please work on developing your children's independence with dressing at home to support. 


A little reminder about water bottles...please only put water into bottles as sugary drinks are not good for children's teeth.


As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to talk to us, we are always happy to help. 





Little Red Riding Hood - Animated Fairy Tales for Children

Have a look at our 'Animated Fairy Tale' playlist Watch amazing Animated Fairy Tales including The Three Little Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel, The Gingerbread Man and many more. We hope you enjoy this new version of Little Red Riding Hood by Oxbridge Baby.
