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Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Policy Statement


The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) is funding provided to schools which is additional to main school funding. The purpose is to help each school boost the attainment of eligible children and reduce the gap between the highest and lowest achievers.


It is allocated according to the number of pupils who are currently eligible for free school meals or were eligible in any of the previous 6 years. An allocation is also made for any looked after children or children from a service family.


It is for the school to decide how the grant is spent, but we are accountable for how we have used the money to support pupils who are eligible for the funding.


The Pupil Premium Policy explains the principles and actions towards this aim, and the strategy outlines what we have spent the money on, and how successful we have been in narrowing the attainment gap.

Below you will find the Pupil Premium Policy which is reviewed by the Governing Body each year.

Below you will find the Pupil Premium Strategy Statements which have been written by the Headteacher,  seen and approved by the Resources Committee and the Governor responsible for Pupil Premium.