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Year 5DF

Jesus said, "I have come in order that you may have life - life in all its fullness." 

                                                                                                           John 10:10

Hello and welcome to the summer term in Year 5 DF! 

I am looking forward to an enjoyable and successful new term with the children. We have lots of exciting activities planned as we start our topic which is a historical study of the local area .










Christian Value

Our focus for this half term is Perseverance. We will be adding to our Values tab how we are exploring how that looks in our school and how we can live it out in our lives, as Jesus taught us to.

Religious Education

Our RE enriches all of our learning. This half term, we are looking at the question...

'If God is everywhere, why go to a place of worship?'

Our Staff Team


Class Teacher - Mr Fowler


Teaching Assistant - Mrs Clarke (Monday and Tuesday)

Teaching Assistant - Mrs Marsden (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)

PPA Cover -Mrs Warboys

Gym Coach - Mr Stevenson 


Things to remember in Year 5


- School planners and reading books should be in school every day.

- Children need to have their own water bottle in school every day.

- Toast is served each morning. This can be paid for online and is £10 per term via the parent pay app or through the school office.




Homework will be set for each topic - please do try to complete as many of the activities as possible to earn points that will earn a special prize at the end of each topic for those children who have reached their target.  Be creative and really show that love of learning at home as well as in school.


Children will be expected to complete their reading, spellings and times tables on TT Rockstars.  This will support their progress throughout the year in literacy and numeracy.  




Please note: Our PE sessions are on Monday and Friday afternoon.

The children will now bring in their school PE kit (including a plain sweatshirt) and leave it in their lockers. Please send them in long joggers when the weather begins to turn and a waterproof in the event of rain. We will try to access PE outside whenever we can.




Children will have their own reading books to take home. We look forward to seeing your progress on our reading chart.

We will be reading a class book each half term - some will be linked to our topic, others simply because they are awesome stories and great examples for us to magpie from in our own writing! 

We have a well resourced school library where the children are allowed to select a book and there is also a reading corner in the classroom which we will encourage the children to use regularly to really build that love of reading.
