If you need anything or have any questions please don't hesitate to come and talk to me, ring school or email me on matthew.griffiths@st-pauls.stockport.sch.uk
Mr Griffiths - Class Teacher
Miss Izard - Teaching Assistant
Mr Stevenson - PE Coach
SUMMER 2 - the final countdown!!
We've made a fantastic start to our final half term as the Famous Fives - it is lovely to see how much the class has grown since September and how ready they are for Year 6!
We have lots of learning still to do to finish off Year 5 and exciting plans ahead - especially with S.T.E.M Week on 5th July!!
Start (8.45a.m) and finish times (3.00pm) remain the same, as they have been all year, and we will continue to have P.E on a Thursday with myself and Friday with Mr Stevenson this half term.
I would like to say a big thank you for all of the support at home you have provided to the children in another very surreal year!
Mr Griffiths and Miss Izard
Keeping Ourselves Healthy and Safe
Wash our hands
We will be continuing to wash our hands thoroughly and regularly throughout the day; at the beginning of the day, before and after play, before lunch, after lunchtime play, before we go home, if we sneeze or cough and of course when we pop to the toilet.
Play with our year group
At break and lunchtime each day we will play in our own area.
This will feel a little different, but will quickly feel familiar and will keep us all well.
Our Learning
We have lots of great learning planned for you in Year 5 with Numeracy and Literacy in the mornings followed by afternoons full of Science, History, Geography, Art, DT, Computing, R.E, PSHE and PE! We will build our skills in these areas and our knowledge through fascinating topics – we really can’t wait to get started as we know you are too!
On our first day back
All you need to bring is a bag with your water bottle in and don't forget your lunch if you are having a packed lunch!
Also, remember a waterproof coat everyday, as we will be playing outside as much as we can, even if it is wet it won't stop us from going outside!
We will be doing P.E every Friday afternoon with Mr Stevenson - please come to school in your PE Kits (normal policy applies so no football kits!) as we will not be getting changed in school.
Please make sure that you have suitable covering for legs and arms as we will be going outside as much as possible for our PE.
We will be swimming again this year and more information on this will follow in due course but please note it will also be on a Friday.
Final thought...
We really can't wait to be with you all in September and seeing you continue to grow, learn and develop into those fantastic young persons we know you can be - it really is our honour to be teaching you!
Monday 12th April
WELCOME BACK YEAR 5!! I hope you had a fantastic Easter break and didn't eat too much chocolate
We have a fabulous Summer 1 term ahead of us packed full of learning, exploring and understanding which we can't wait to start with you.
Our new Topic is called "Our Home" and the Knowledge Organiser is below. The homework will be based around this topic and I'm sure we will see lots of creative and amazing pieces of homework coming in over the next 7 weeks.
Mr Griffiths and Miss Izard
Hello Famous Fives!
Thank you for visiting the class web page.
From now on you will find your child's daily learning available on Google Classroom.
Please ensure you have collected your child's log in / password details from school.
If you have any issues accessing your school account and the learning opportunities then please contact the school office so we can resolve any issues.
You will also be invited to a 'live meet' session with your class teacher and classmates during the week - this will be announced on the Google Classroom Stream.
We look forward to seeing you on Google Classroom.
Mr Griffiths and Miss Izard