Jesus said, " I have come in order that you may have life-life in all its fullness".
John 10:10
Meet the Team
Class teacher: Mrs Lundqvist (Mon-Thurs)
Class teacher: Mrs Cooper (Fri)
Teaching Assistant: Miss McFarlane
PPA teacher: Miss Shore
PE coach: Mr Stevenson
Speech & Language Intervention: Mrs Babcock
Christian Value
Our focus for this half term is __hope__ We will be adding to our Values tab how we are exploring how that looks in our school and how we can live it out in our lives, as Jesus taught us to.
Daily Timetable
School starts: 8:45am
Lunchtime: 12:00-1:00
School finishes: 3:15pm
Our PE day is Monday with Mr Stevenson and Wednesday with Stockport County. Please ensure you have sent in your child's PE kit which has their name in. This will stay in school until the end of half term when it will be sent home to be washed.
Tuck is £10 per whole term. Please pay for tuck using Parent Pay.
Children will also receive a piece of fruit everyday.
Your child will receive a free drink of milk everyday until they reach the age of 5.
Water Bottles
Your child should a water bottle into school each day. Bottles should contain 'water' only. We are a healthy school and discourage sugary drinks.
Spring 2
This term we will be learning all about farms. Each week we will focus on a new farm animal. The children will be painting, collaging and drawing different farm animals.
This term we will also be learning all about Easter. The children will be taking part in an Easter Bonnet parade on 28/3/24.
Can you please ensure that you hear your child read regularly and books will be changed on a Thursday. Quick reminder that the sharing book is a book for you to share with your child and they are not expected to read it independently.
As always, any worries, concerns or questions please speak to one of the team.
Welcome back to Spring One
Happy New Year!!
It was lovely to see all the children and they have settled back in beautifully.
This term we will be looking at Winter and learning about Polar Lands. We will be learning about different animals and where polar bears and penguins live.
Please have a look at our knowledge organiser below.
Please continue to help your children at home with the 'Learning with Parents' activities, and, listen to your child read their book at least 2 times each week.
We are encouraging the children to get dressed by themselves for PE and we ask that you please work on developing your children's independence with dressing at home to support.
If you have any questions or concerns do speak with a member of staff, we are always happy to talk and to support you.
Welcome to Reception
It has been lovely to see the children coming into school with big smiles on their faces! All the children have settled in well and we are very proud of them.
Below you will find a Knowledge Organiser which will give you a brief overview of what we will be learning in school.