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St Paul's C of E

Primary School

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Year 1HS

Class teacher - Mrs Sands

Class Teacher (Friday) - Miss Cash

Teaching Assistant - Miss Jones

PE Coach - Mr Stevenson

Intervention Teacher - Mrs Cooper



PE lessons are on Mondays. Children are to come to school in their PE kit. PE kit should be blue shorts/leggings/joggers, t-shirt/polo shirt and trainers. NO football kits.


Please send in £1 on Mondays for tuck.







 Hi everyone,

Our Summer term starts off with us learning about our Science topic on materials.  We will be sorting and classifying materials, thinking of their properties and discovering why we choose to use certain materials for different objects. 


We have our very own Recycle Station in our classroom too!  


Please take a look at our knowledge organiser below for more information.


The second half of our Summer Term we will be learning about houses and homes, in our locality and around the world.



Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) activities


PSHE lessons allow children to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes used to manage their lives, now and in the future. These skills support children with their health, help them stay healthy, safe and prepare them for life and work.  I am sure we are all aware of mental health and well-being at this current time.

In the classroom we enjoy Circle Times to share our ideas and thoughts with our class friends, role play scenarios and we have a worry box so our worries and anxiety can be addressed in an anonymous fashion.  Whilst most of us are learning at home, there are video lessons available.  These are a great way to keep up to date with our PSHE learning and share it with our families.

'One Hundred Steps' by Captain Sir Tom Moore & Adam Larkum

Children learning in school and at home enjoyed writing about Beegu.

Beegu read aloud


Internet safety day is 9th February 2021.   We are having an internet safety poster competition.  Send your entries to Mrs Sands  as winners will have their poster published on the school web site.


Have a look at the links below for ideas to help you create a fantastic poster.

Work for week commencing 8th February 2021



BBC Lockdown Learning site has lots of fun activities for all children.

YMH4/5 Have made 'Happy News.'   Take a look.

Happy News



More activities for Spelling


Children are expected to spell their own names as well as words listed below.  Before lockdown we were working through this list and ensuring we could use capital letters when writing our full names.

More activities for Reading
More activities for Maths



More activities for Topic work

Knowledge organiser for our topic work: Did Man Land On The Moon?
