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Year RJB

Jesus said, "I have come in order that you may have life—life in all its fullness."

                                                         John 10:10

Miss Baron - Class Teacher

 Mrs Fairfield - Teaching Assistant 

Ms Blair - PPA Teacher (Thursday Am)

Mrs Babcock - Speech and Language Support

Mr Stevenson - PE Coach (Friday)

Christian Value

Christian value our Christian Value for this half term is PERSEVERANCE. Have a look at our values tab to see how we have been exploring how that looks in our school and how we can live it out in our lives, as Jesus taught us. 



Our Topics


Autumn One


Talk for Writing Text: Traditional Tale - Goldilocks and the Three Bears


Autumn Two

                   Transport and Journeys              

 Talk for Writing Text: The Train Ride by Judith Crebbin


Spring One

            Winter and Polar Lands           

 Talk for Writing Text: Can't you sleep Little Bear


Spring Two

                               Down on the Farm                              

  Talk for Writing Text: Traditional Tale - The Little Red Hen


Summer One

                                  Walking through the Jungle                                 

 Talk for Writing Text: Monkey Puzzle by Julia Donaldson


Summer Two

                                     Under the Sea                                    

Talk for Writing Text: Billy's Bucket by Kes Gray

Welcome to the last half-term of the  Summer!


It is hard to believe we are now into our last half-term of Reception!   The children have worked so hard and made super progress over the year.  Our last topic, Under the Sea, provides lots of creative opportunities for the children to explore.  We will be working hard on our reading (do read with your children at home every week - it really makes a difference), writing sentences and consolidating our number skills.


This is a time of transition too, as we look forward to the year ahead, preparing your children for Year One. 


The Reception Year will be celebrated with a super party and general dastardly deeds on 'Pirate Day' on Friday 22nd July.  It would be great if you could provide a costume for this special day. Thank you.


A special thank you also, for the support you have given to your children, and to the staff, in enabling your children to be the 'best that they can be'. 


School finishes for the summer holidays on Wednesday 27th July.  


As always, if you have any questions about anything happening this term, do let me know. 


Miss Baron

What a fantastic week we have had celebrating the Queen's Jubilee!

Welcome to the Summer Term!


We hope you all had a super Easter break.  This half-term our new topic is 'Into Africa'.  The children will be sharing the story 'Monkey Puzzle' by Julia Donaldson, exploring the characters, setting and events.    We will be learning all about African animals and a little about African culture and art.  The Knowledge Organiser gives more detail on learning in all areas.


We look forward to a super few weeks of learning. 


Miss Baron

World Book Day 2022!

We loved celebrating Shrove Tuesday!

Welcome back to our second Spring Term!


This will be a very busy term.  We are learning all about farm animals and growing vegetables as part of our 'Down on the Farm' topic.  If any parents are 'green fingered' and would like to help out with our planting, do let the staff team know, we would love your support. 


Our school value is 'Hope'.  We are looking forward to reading your own hopes and dreams for your children's futures and sharing them with the class.  We will also celebrate and learn all about the Easter Story and the hope that Jesus Christ gave to the people with his resurrection. 


Please do keep reading every week with your children. Remember to sign the Reading Record. We will continue to award  stickers for reading weekly at home.  A certificate will be awarded to all those children who have achieved a sticker each week over a 6 week period, or as close to this if they have been absent due to illness.  


Thank you to those families who have engaged so brilliantly with 'Learning with Parents'.  It is a delight to read about the children's learning, and the photos posted to me are a real plus!  I am sure it is making a great difference to their progress through the Reception year.  If you are still to engage, please do.  New activities will continue to be posted each Monday.  If you are struggling to access the website please come and speak to me and we can resolve this together. 


Please do keep paying your children's tuck money.  Ten pounds needs to be payed via Parent Pay to cover the cost of our daily toast snack from January through to Easter.  If you are having any problems making the payment, please do let me know.  There is a facility to pay weekly smaller amounts through Parent Pay. 


I am sure we are going to have another lovely half-term, even better with Spring on the way! If you have any queries or concerns about any of the above, do come and see me.  The door is always open!


Thank you


Miss Baron

We took part in Internet Safety Day 2022, we looked at the importance of asking a grown up for permission before buying anything online.

Kung Hey Fat Choy! The children loved celebrating Chinese New Year 2022!

Happy New Year!


I hope that you all have had a lovely Christmas break and are ready to come back to school! All the children have made good progress in the first term of Reception! They have worked extremely hard and have settled well, making friendships and enjoying the routines of Reception. The Nativity 'The Sleepy Shepherd' was a fantastic performance and the children really enjoyed acting out and learning about the ‘Christmas Story’.


This half term we will be learning all about Winter and Polar Lands. You are welcome to bring any books in that you have at home on this topic and we can read them at story time. Please make sure that you are reading your reading book weekly and a parent/carer is signing your reading record.


Please can I remind all parents about the online home learning activities on ‘Learning with Parents’. This is a great and fun way for your children to engage with home learning activities that relate to what they are learning about in school. If you are struggling to access the website please come and speak to me and we can resolve this together.


I am looking forward to having another fantastic half term with the children. If are concerned or worried about anything then please do not hesitate to come and speak to me before/after school.


Thank you


Miss Baron

Reception Knowledge Organise Autumn One - Ourselves: Find out what we will be learning this half-term

Useful information 



School Day

Reception classes start at 8:45am and finish at 3:10pm



Tuck is £10 for the term up to Christmas.  You can pay this via Parent Pay.  This pays for toast everyday and for occasional extra bits and pieces which enhance children's learning, e.g. art and craft resources, baking ingredients, party food, role-play resources. If we do not receive enough contributions towards tuck, we may have to start providing it to only those who do pay.



PE with Mr Stevenson will take place every Friday morning. Please ensure your child's PE kit is all named and in school. We will send it home at the end of each half-term for a wash.  PE kit consists of navy/black shorts, plain sky blue t-shirt, black pumps, trainers and jogging pants for outdoors.


Water Bottles

Please provide a water bottle for your child and bring to school everyday. We are a healthy school and only plain water is allowed, thank you.


Reading Books

Reading books need to be in school everyday. Please sign the Planner to indicate if you have read the book with your child at home. Books will be changed weekly.


Phonics Homework 

Phonics homework will be sent home every Friday. Each week the new letter sounds the class learn during the week will be written in their book. Please practise reading and writing these sounds at home and return the sound book to school on Mondays.



Every Friday your child will be given the opportunity to choose a Library book. This should be returned every week so that they can regularly change it.


Good News Bear

As a reward for lovely behaviour, every child has the chance to take home our Good News Bear at some point over the year. A book will also be sent in which you can help your child to draw and/or write or add photographs about their time with the bear. The Bear will be sent home on Fridays. Hopefully, this will take place within the year. 

What is the Early Years Foundation Stage?

Every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to fulfil their potential. Children develop quickly in the early years and a child’s experiences between birth and age five have a major impact on their future life chances. A secure, safe and happy childhood is important in its own right. Good parenting and high quality early learning together provide the foundation children need to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow


The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) sets the standards that all early years providers must meet to ensure that children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe. It promotes teaching and learning to ensure children’s ‘school readiness’ and gives children the broad range of knowledge and skills that provide the right foundation for good future progress through school and life.


Overarching principles


Four guiding principles should shape practice in early years settings. These are:

• every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured

• children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships

• children learn and develop well in enabling environments with teaching and support from adults, who respond to their individual interests and needs and help them to build their learning over time. Children benefit from a strong partnership between practitioners and parents and/or carers.

• importance of learning and development. Children develop and learn at different rates.


The framework covers the education and care of all children in early years provision, including children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)  


There are seven areas of learning and development that must shape educational programmes in early years settings. All areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected.  Three areas are particularly important for building a foundation for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, forming relationships and thriving.


These are the prime areas:

• Communication and Language

• Physical development

• Personal, Social and Emotional development 


Providers must also support children in four specific areas, through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied. The specific areas are:

• Literacy

• Mathematics

• Understanding of the world

• Expressive Arts and Design


More information on the EYFS curriculum can be found in our Reception booklet.

Reception Baseline Assessment


Your child will be participating in the Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA) within the first 6 weeks of starting Reception. The purpose of the assessment is to provide the starting point for a new measure that will help parents understand how well schools support their pupils to progress between Reception and Year 6 / the end of Key Stage 2.


For further information about the RBA, please click on the link below to access the 'Information for Parents' leaflet published by the Standards and Testing Agency.

Information for Parents Reception Baseline Assessment

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Phonics: How to pronounce pure sounds | Oxford Owl

Learn how to pronounce all 44 phonics sounds/phonemes,

Let's Count up to Ten - Counting Song

