Dear Parents/Carers
Feel free to contact me, using the email address below, with any photos of work or craft that your child has created at home. You can also contact me if you have any queries regarding the activities I have set on our class page.
Thank you
Miss Baron
Miss Baron - Class Teacher
Mrs Fairfield - Teaching Assistant
Ms Blair- PPA Teacher
Miss Jones - Apprentice
Tuesday 30th June.
I hope you are all well.
Over the next few weeks the children in school are learning about superheroes. Last week they made their own costumes. This week they are making their own superhero gadget out of junk modelling, why don't you make your own? Some of the children designed their own yesterday and some ideas are jet packs, ice crowns, fire gloves etc. If you do this task please email me any pictures.
Remember to use the phonics and maths songs and games at the bottom of this page.
Stay safe,
Miss Baron
Hello everyone,
I hope that you are all ok and have been enjoying the sunshine! It was lovely to see some of you last week, it made Mrs Fairfield's and my day special to see some of your smiley faces, we have missed you all!
This week I would like you to think about recycling and how we can look after our planet.
Activity one: Watch 'George Saves the World by Lunchtime'.
Activity two: Create a poster about how you could save the world using some ideas from the video that you watched. I have attached my poster to give you some ideas!
Activity three: Create a model out of cardboard boxes, be creative, you could make a castle, a rocket, a handbag, a car etc.
You could be just like George, you could help your mum sort out the recycling into the correct bins, or look through your old toys and donate some to charity. You could be a recycling superhero!
Anything you do please email me.
I am missing you all, keep safe,
Miss Baron
Week 9 – 18th May
This week we are going to finish off the topic on Handa’s Surprise and the non-fiction book on Safari animals.
Activity 1: Re-tell the story Handa’s Surprise, use your story map for support. You could write it or even get someone at home to record you saying it!
Activity 2: Research monkeys! Write a fact about a monkey and draw and label it.
Activity 3: Create your non-fiction book. Create a front cover, you could draw the 3 animals that you have researched, remember to add a title and your name. Add a contents page making sure that all your pages are numbered. Example: Giraffe page 2, Elephant page 3, Monkey page 4.
Activity 4: Make a fruit kebab/fruit smoothie/fruit salad using some fruits that Handa has in her basket! Can you write your own list of ingredients or write a sentence about how it tasted and if you liked it!
Activity 5: Sing 10 Little Monkey Jumping on Bed! Remember one less each time, use your fingers to help!
Activity 6: Create your own Basket like Handa. Weave the strips of paper in and out to create the basket.
I have enjoyed seeing all of the things that you done last week, please continue to email me!
Keep smiling!
Miss Baron x
Week 8 - 11th May
We are carrying on the Safari/Africa theme this week. We are going to focus on an African story that we would have read together in school. I would also like you to find out about another African animal and this will go into your non fiction book next week when we finish the topic!
Activity 1: Watch the story Handa’s Surprise on YouTube.
Activity 2: Create a story map for Handa’s Surprise, I have attached mine to give you some ideas!
Activity 3: Create an African necklace out of a paper plate, could you make a repeating pattern design?
Activity 4: Create a rain shaker out of a tube or carboard box and add some pasta or rice into the box so that it makes a sound like the rain. You could even decorate it! Can you dance and use your rain shaker to make some music? You could even find some African music on YouTube!
Activity 5: Research elephants! Can you draw an elephant, label it and write a fact about it! Sound out the words and use your sound mat to help you! Remember to keep your elephant and giraffe writing safe until next week! Here is a clip with lots of facts about elephants.
Remember to email me all the wonderful things that you have been doing.
Miss Baron
Week 7 - 4th May
Hello Children,
Wow, I cannot believe it has been 7 weeks since we have all been together. I am missing you all!
This week the topic we are going to look at is Safari / Africa! This topic will go on for around 3 weeks but I will update the webpage every week with new activities. The key worker children in school are also going to be doing the same topic!
Activity One: Research the animal ‘Giraffe’, can you find out any facts about it? Use YouTube videos or any non-fiction books that you have at home. Write a sentence and draw a picture of the giraffe, you could even label your drawing! Remember the very tall neck! Please keep your giraffe writing safe. We are going to research more animals over the next 3 weeks and finally you will create your own non-fiction book on the safari animals that you have researched.
Activity Two: Use your estimation skills to predict how many big elephant steps it would take you to get across a room. Write your estimation down and then become the elephant and see if you have made a sensible estimation. You could try this with another safari animal and then find out the difference between the two animals.
Activity Three: Make some safari binoculars, you will need these when you go on your safari hunt! Watch the clip, you can look through your binoculars and see lots of animals, maybe you could draw your favourite animal!
Activity Four: Enjoy and relax with some Jungle Safari Yoga! You could do this on Friday, just like we did in school together.
Activity Five: Friday 8th May is VE Day. Our country, the United Kingdom, will celebrate when all the fighting stopped, 75 years ago. This was a long time ago! It would be lovely if you could make a Union Jack flag just like people did all those years ago!
Please remember to send me an email of any activities that you do! I enjoy seeing what you have done!
Stay safe, keep smiling and I hope to see you all soon!
Miss Baron x
This week in school I am working with the children of key workers on the topic ‘Space’! You could try some of the same activities at home! I will upload some of things that the children have done in school with me and Mrs Fairfield. Mrs Fairfield is missing you too and I keep her updated on the things you have all been doing! I would love to see what you are doing at home, please remember to email me!
I hope to see you all soon, stay safe!
Miss Baron x
Good Morning,
I hope that you have all had a lovely Easter break and that you are enjoying the sunshine! It has been nice to have been in contact with some of you and I have loved seeing what you have been up to! Please continue to email me with your updates and pictures.
This weeks challenges include the outdoors, lets take advantage of this beautiful weather!
Activity 1 : Go on a Spring walk with someone that you live with, go to your local park, a trip down the Vale, use your garden etc. Can you write a list or draw some of the signs of Spring that you have seen.
Activity 2: Enjoy getting your hands dirty and go on a bug hunt! You could lift small stones, look in the grass, look into the sky and see if you can you spot any bugs? I have seen lots of butterflies in my garden recently. Maybe you could draw your favourite bug! You could do this in your garden, in a park or even whilst you go for a walk.
Activity 3: Have a go on 'Bud's Number Garden'. It is all about ordering numbers, knowing more or less than a given number and counting.
I hope you are all staying safe!
Miss Baron
Week 4 - Monday 13th April
Hello children!
I hope that the Easter bunny has been to see you all!
Some ideas for this week:
1. Why not use some of your chocolate Easter eggs to make some Rice Krispy cakes, you could even write a list of ingredients!
2. Use your empty Easter egg boxes to make your own junk modelling creations!
3. Draw your favourite moment that you have had since being off school, you could even add a sentence!
I attempted to make some Little Red Hen Bread, I will upload my photo's plus other things that I have done so far!
Please send me any photos or send me an email just to say hello. I have had lots of children message me, it has been lovely to be in contact with you all!
Lots of love
Miss Baron
Week 3 Monday 6th April
Hello Everyone!
I am missing you all and I hope that you are staying safe. We are a day closer to all getting through this difficult time and a day closer for us all being together again!
This week’s challenges are mainly around Easter! Please Youtube ‘We’re Going on an Egg Hunt’ book and listen to the story. Then use the link and select Week 1. There are lots of fun activities ranging from maths to art and crafts. I would love to see some of your egg designs and any other activities that you do.
Please keep any Easter Egg boxes that you get for next week’s challenges!
Please continue to read online and use the Oxford Reading Tree ebooks, sing tricky word songs on Youtube and also use the phonics games that we are familiar with, use Phase 2 and Phase 3 games. I have added the links here and they are also at the bottom of the page. - ‘Alien Escape’ is our favourite phase 3 game, see if you can beat your time every time you play! Also use, ‘Buried Treasure’ and ‘Dragons Den’ are two that you are familiar with. Please use the Username: march20 and Password: home to access lots more games.
Finally, if you haven’t heard of Joe Wicks and his PE lessons, please YouTube him and see if you can have a go and even get your grown ups to join in with you!
Remember to email me any activities that you have done, any support you might need or even just to drop a note to say hello, it would be lovely to hear from you.
Have a lovely Easter and I hope that the Easter bunny comes to visit you!
Lots of love
Miss Baron x
Monday 30th March - Week 2
Hello Everyone!
I hope that you are all staying safe and looking after each other. I set the challenge last week to make some playdough and to use the TTS Home Learning Booklet for some ideas for support. I hope that you enjoyed your first challenge!
This week I would like you to return to the same booklet and look at pages 12-13: Washing Bowl Science! I would like you to focus on filling and emptying containers. Can you predict which containers will need the most scoops of water? You could even write your predictions down on a piece of paper. On another day you could focus on floating and sinking by using items from around the house (ask for parent permission), make predictions of which items will float and which items will not float. You could make a chart with two headings, 'will float' and 'will not float' and draw and label the items under the correct column.
Please scroll to the bottom of this page to find lots of useful links and songs, lots of these will be familiar to you ! Please continue using the ebooks on the Oxford Reading Tree website.
The Twinkl website are offering free access to their resources. Simply sign up and enter the passcode UKTWINKLHELPS. I suggest you look at the Phase two and three Phonics activities.
Also, do log into the free online games site We use this in Reception, they have lots of fun counting and shape games for early years that the children will be familiar with. We focus mainly on becoming secure recognising, counting and ordering numbers to 20 so look for the games that focus on this aspect. 'Chopper Squad' and 'Blast off' are two games we use all the time!
I would love to see any of your creations, experiments, writing or any other activities that you have done week! I am sure it will put a smile on my face and make me proud, just like you do every day in our classroom!
Keep safe
Love Miss Baron
Home Learning Support
Thursday 26th March 2020
Hello everyone! I hope you are all enjoying the sunshine this week and are all keeping safe.
Every week I will provide a challenge for you to do at home with your parents and carers. This week take a look at the TTS Early Years Activity Pack, pages 6 - 11 - Playdough Activities. See if you can make some playdough, then find some interesting items from your house to create prints and patterns.. There are lots of other ideas you can try too!
I have also provided a link to Oxford Owls ebooks and learning activities. This is a great site as it links to the Oxford Reading Tree scheme we use in school and there are lots of free learning resources. Have a go at the ebooks in the 4-5 age group pink, red and yellow book bands.
To keep a record of your time learning at home, perhaps you could keep a scrapbook of the things you have done, in the form of photos of activities, drawings, colourings etc. Mum or Dad could scribe a little about your learning or even have a go at writing a sentence yourself! It's up to you, but it would be lovely to share in Reception when you return.
Happy learning!
Stay safe and keep smiling! I am thinking of you all!
Love Miss Baron
Welcome to our Reception Class webpage. Here you will find useful information on the curriculum , our Learning Challenges and how to support your child with learning at home. We hope to have a fun filled year of learning and one in which you will see your child make great progress. Working together we can help your child to be the best that they can be!
Reception Learning Challenges
Who are the people in my family?
How do we get around?
Who lives in the North and South Poles?
What happens on a farm?
Where in the world is Africa?
What can you find beyond the clouds?
What is the Early Years Foundation Stage?
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) sets the standards that all early years providers, catering for children from birth to
five, must meet to ensure that children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe. It promotes teaching and learning to ensure children's school 'readiness' and gives children the broad range of knowledge and skills that provide the right foundation for good future progress through school and life.
(EYFS Statutory Framework (2018)
There are seven areas of learning and development that shape educational programmes in the early years. All areas are important and cross over. The first three areas engage children's curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, they help children to make healthy relationships, build an ability to learn and achieve. These three areas are called the Prime Areas and are:
The Prime Areas are strengthened and applied in the next four areas which are known as the Specific Areas:
More information on the EYFS curriculum can be found in our Reception booklet.
Tuck is payable every Monday to Miss Baron or Mrs Fairfield. Your £1 pays for toast everyday and for occasional extra bits and pieces which enhance children's learning, e.g. art and craft resources, baking ingredients, party food, role-play resources. If we do not receive enough contributions towards tuck, we may have to start providing it to only those who do pay.
PE with Mr Stevenson will take place every Tuesday morning. Please ensure your child has a PE Kit, black shorts, plain sky blue t-shirt, black pumps, trainers and jogging pants for outdoors and a pump bag. This can be left on your child's peg for the half term. Please write your child's name on each item of clothing.
Water Bottles
Please provide a water bottle for your child and bring to school everyday. We are a healthy school and only plain water is allowed, thank you.
Reading Books
Reading books need to be in school everyday. Please sign the Planner to indicate if you have read the book with your child at home. Books will be changed weekly.
Sound Books
Sound books will be sent home every Friday. Each week the new letter sounds the class learn during the week will be written in their book. Please practise reading and writing these sounds at home and return the sound book to school on Mondays.
Every Friday your child will be given the opportunity to choose a Library book. This should be returned every week so that they can regularly change it.
Good News Bear
As a reward for lovely behaviour, every child has the chance to take home our Good News Bear at some point over the year. A book will also be sent in which you can help your child to draw and/or write or add photographs about their time with the bear. The Bear will be sent home on Fridays.