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Year 6LM

The Year 6 LM team are ...


Mr Moran is the class-teacher

(contact email )

Miss Cocks is our teaching assistant

Mrs Warboys will provide P.P.A cover

Mr Stevenson will support us in our outdoor P.E learning

 Mrs Parker is our Intervention teacher, 

supporting us in our Maths and reading.

On 28th July 2021 our terrific Year 6 children enjoyed their last day at St Pauls'. Wishing you all much joy and happiness as you begin the next chapter in your lives.

Our Year 6 children had a memorable and exciting day in the Lake District. Here are some of the special moments captured as we enjoyed Canoeing, King Swing and the Low ropes in the beautiful setting alongside lake Windermere.

The Year 6 children worked really well as a team as they enjoyed the challenge of the King Swing!

             Things to remember in Year 6

 * School planners and reading books will be needed in school everyday.

 * Each child should have their own water bottle in school that they can use in the classroom.

* School uniform will be worn every day from September.

 * PE kits will be needed for the children to change into on the days they will do PE -Wednesdays and Thursdays.

 * Toast or an apple can be purchased each day for morning break time (£1 for the week).

 * Spelling work will begin in the classroom on a Monday and needs to be completed and returned on a Friday.

 * A themed homework grid will be provided at the beginning of each half term and the work returned every Monday.


Ahead of September, here is the Year 6 outside door through which the children in the class will enter and leave the building at the beginning and end of the school day.

Inside school here is the Year 6 classroom door which the children will use as they enter or leave the classroom during the school day.

    Homework in the Autumn term


Homework will be set every week.

The children will be expected to complete their reading, weekly spellings and time table activities.  

This will support their progress throughout the year in Literacy and Numeracy.

In addition to this, children will have homework which will be linked to each termly Learning Challenge.

The children will be able to earn more points for each activity they complete, working towards a target amount and earning a prize when the amount is successfully reached.

Our Phase three daily prayer

This Summer a group of Year 6 children have been enjoying Forest School. They learnt how to make a variety of wooden implements, make a tarpaulin and light a fire using different methods including with flint and steel. The group of children love the time outside in our St Paul's wood.

This July the whole school enjoyed STEM week during which the children focused on learning in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. In Year 6 we researched, designed and made bird houses or bird feeders for our school woodland environment. We think the birds will love them!

This Summer term we are learning about The Ancient Egyptians. Here is the Knowledge Organiser we have made to ensure opportunities to be creative.

During Inter-Faith week the Year 6 children designed and made Rakhi bracelets influenced and worn by those following the faith - Hinduism.

During Inter-Faith week the Year 6 classes learnt all about Hinduism. We designed and made clay tea light holders known as Diya'a. We think they look beautiful and colourful.

The Freddie Fit Summer Spectacular! On Wednesday 26th May the Year 6 children enjoyed a full day of exercise, sporting activities, competitive games and we all had so much fun.

Maths revision

Over the next couple of weeks, we are revising many of our number skills to prepare for our assessment week (w/b 17th May). Please find below some White Rose videos to help with your revision. Pick a topic you are unsure of and have a look at to refresh your understanding. Remember if you need any support with anything then please just ask. 

Aut6.1.3 - Numbers to a million

This is "Aut6.1.3 - Numbers to a million" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Aut6.4.5 - Multiply up to a 4-digit number by a 2-digit number

This is "Aut6.4.5 - Multiply up to a 4-digit number by a 2-digit number" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people...

Aut6.6.1 - Long division (2)

This is "Aut6.6.1 - Long division (2)" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Aut6.12.3 - Fractions of an amount

This is "Aut6.12.3 - Fractions of an amount" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Spr6.1.4 - Multiply by 10 100 and 1000

This is "Spr6.1.4 - Multiply by 10 100 and 1000" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Spr6.3.4 - Fractions to percentages

This is "Spr6.3.4 - Fractions to percentages" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Spr6.6.3 - Solve two-step equations

This is "Spr6.6.3 - Solve two-step equations" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Spr6.7.2 - Convert metric measures

This is "Spr6.7.2 - Convert metric measures" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Spr6.9.4 - Volume of a cuboid

This is "Spr6.9.4 - Volume of a cuboid" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Spr6.10.5 - Calculating ratio

This is "Spr6.10.5 - Calculating ratio" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

In Year 6LM we have been enjoying Forest School. It feels special to be outside in such a lovely environment surrounded by wildlife.

Monday 8th February 2021


Hello everyone. Thank you for visiting the class webpage.

From now on you will find your child's daily learning available on Google Classroom.

Please ensure you have collected your log in / password details from school.

If you have any issues accessing your school account and the learning opportunities please contact the school office so we can resolve any issues.

You will also be invited to a 'live meet' session with your class teacher and classmates during the week.

We look forward to seeing you on Google Classroom.

Mr Moran  

Year 6 Online Learning

Your learning journey continues here. Each day we will be uploading lessons and activities for you to complete. 

These will include opportunities to learn in: Maths, Reading, Writing, Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar; also the Learning Challenge, Science and other foundation subjects.


Please note: As many of the activities are in pdf format, you will need to record your answers on a separate document or on paper.


Work returned might be completed on Microsoft Word or sent back as photographs taken on an iPad or tablet.


We would like your work returned daily to:      



We will email you regularly to provide feedback about your learning and to keep in touch.

We look forward to hearing from you. What we are learning in the classroom you have the opportunity to learn at home.

Any questions or queries then please contact me on the above email address.


Best wishes

The Year Six team.

Friday 5th February 2021
Thursday 4th February 2021

Thursday Maths Video Understand percentages

Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Tuesday 2nd February 2021
Monday 1st February 2021

Monday Maths Video Fractions to decimals (2)

Friday 29th January 2021
Thursday 28th January 2021

Thursday Maths Video Fractions to decimals (1)

Wednesday 27th January 2021

Good morning, Year Six

Remember, if you have any issues, you can email us and we will try our best to help.

Tuesday 26th January 2021

Tuesday Maths Video Decimals as fractions

Monday 25th January 2021

Monday Maths Video Division to solve problems





Friday 22nd January 2021
Thursday 21st January 2021

Maths Video Divide decimals by integers

Wednesday 20th January 2021
Tuesday 19th January 2021

Maths Video Multiply decimals by integers

Monday 18th January 2021

Spr6.1.5 - Divide by 10 100 and 1000

Friday 15th January 2021

Maths Video To Multiply by 10 100 and 1000

Thursday 14th January 2021

Maths Video Three Decimal Places

Wednesday 13th January 2021

Tuesday 12th January 2021

Maths Video Understand thousandths

Monday 11th January 2021

Maths video Decimals up to 2 d.p

Spring One Learning Challenge

This half term the Year 6 Learning Challenge will be called Electric Storm and will focus on learning in Science, Geography and Technology. Below is the Knowledge organiser which provides the key learning and the key skills. 

Autumn learning in Year 6


We have a lot to enjoy learning about in Year 6. In Maths we will be

focusing initially on Place Value and the Four Operations. We will be part of

a new online maths programme every Wednesday which will help us catch up with any learning we have missed. Mrs Parker and Mr Watson will teach small groups to help us gain more confidence and feel more secure in our maths work.

In reading we will use a variety of texts to help us develop our understanding

of a range of genres, language style and organisational features.

What we read will also influence our written work, such as

William Shakespeare's 'The Tempest' when we will learn to write our own play- scripts in the style of Shakespeare. Writing opportunities will also be

linked with our Tudor topic when we learn to write letters 

to be sent home from the battle of Bosworth.

Mrs Warboys will also teach some lessons on Tuesday and Wednesdays 

and these might include any of the following; Maths, Reading,

Grammar, R.E, French, Music, Science or Topic. More information about

the topic, including the Knowledge Organiser for the Troublesome

Tudor history work can be found below.

We are all pleased that Mr Stevenson will continue to teach outdoor

P.E and sports on a Thursday. Weekly spellings / timetables and

homework will continue to be provided to reinforce learning and

provide an opportunity to share with adults at home what they have

learnt and now know. Any homework can be sent electronically or

if you need to contact me for any reason please use my email

      Our Year 6 classroom


We are very fortunate in Year 6 to have the biggest and brightest classroom

in school. Some of us last year worked hard in the same classroom when a

part of the mixed age class. Having an outside door will mean we can stay

within our own bubble more easily! We can arrive and leave through the door

every school day. I'm sure we will benefit from the many positive features

that our room and it's contents have to offer.

We've had a great time making our own 'Tudor Coats of Arms'. We chose our own colours, shapes, materials and creatures to represent ourselves and our families.

We love sport with Mr Stevenson on Thursday. This half term we are improving our tennis skills. Game. Set. Match.



Our first Topic of the year is THE TROUBLESOME TUDORS. Have a look at the Knowledge Organiser for this exciting historical period of our British history. We will be studying the Tudors across the Autumn term and will be fortunate to visit Bramhall Hall in November to see such a grand Tudor building. We're looking forward to teaching you about such a colourful period in our history.

Year 6 LM. A class photograph ...and here we are! We're looking ready for action at this early stage in the year.

We are part of a new online Maths programme. Here we are working hard in Maths when talking to our online tutors.

We designed and made our own Tudor homes after learning about the features of a Tudor building. We think they look great when they were finished.

We have really enjoyed learning about 'The Troublesome Tudors'. Here are the Tudor portraits of the Monarchy and letters sent home during 'The battle of Bosworth'.

We love our traditional Tudor style buildings that we have made. Well done Year 6!
