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Year 1HS

Dear Parents/Carers

Feel free to contact me, using the email address below, with any photos of work or craft that your child has created at home. You can also contact me if you have any queries regarding the activities I have set on our class page.

Thank you


Mrs Sands

Hope you and your family are keeping well.

Well the last week of term already!

I hope you are looking forward to returning in September.

Have a wonderful summer and I will see you in September.

Take care and God Bless,

Mrs Sands x


Lovely book for you to share

This is a lovely book for you to download and share with your children. It explains the Coronavirus in a very child friendly way.


For you to carry on with your daily reading I have sent you a link.

Oxford Owls are providing free e-books.


Any problems just pop me an email and I can help.


Every morning on YouTube there are live phonic lessons.

Type into Google: Speed Sounds Set...


Speed sounds set 1: brilliant for revision.

Speed sounds set 2: revision for everyone and Miss Doody's phonics group.

Speed sounds set 3: for Mrs Sands' phonics group.


Children can say and write the sounds down.

How many words can you spot in your reading books?


Remember to keep reading and writing your tricky words in your home school packs.




This week there is a seaside theme!

There are some Youtube clips about seasides and some seaside stories.

There is a lovely clip about South stack lighthouse too.


Kipper the dog - The Seaside

One of the best stories of Kipper the dog.

I Want to Go to the Seaside | 👑 Cartoons For Kids 👑 | Little Princess

Little Princess and friends go to the beach, but it starts to rain. Join Little Princess as she explores her world and all the things she wants to do! Here y...

South Stack Lighthouse, Holyhead , Wales


In school we follow White Rose Maths. They have created a home learning pack for you to follow. Click the link below:

. Select Year 1 option.

. There is a 5 day programme to follow with a short clip.

.BBC Bitesize have now linked with White Rose , you can go on the BBC Bitesize link below , select year group and complete the daily task.

. Work through this each day.

P.E with Joe Wicks every morning at 9;00 am

Twinkl is a website for schools that uploads teacher created and curriculum linked resources. As a way of helping they are making their website and resources free for one month.




Free month will be activated from the day you set up the trial.

We have included some ideas that you DON'T have to sit at a table to do:

Write a letter and post it to a neighbour or friend who may be self isolating.

Build a den with blankets and towels using tables and chairs- can you camp out in your den?

Put the spices into alphabetical order.

Design and make puppets - can you put on a show?

Can you make a musical instrument out of household items?

Find, pick and dissect a flower.

Can you count your stairs in 2's, 5's and 10's.

Write a poem using chalk outside.

Write down every adjective you say in a day!

Design and make a flag that tells the world about you.


Mrs Sands - Class Teacher


Mrs Moore - Class Teacher 

Miss Doody - Teaching Assistant

Mr Stevenson- PE Coach





In Year 1 this term our Learning Challenge is 'Has man landed on the moon?'

There is a science and history focus to this learning challenge.

The children will be looking at planets and the solar system. The children will also be learning about Neil Armstrong and Tim Peake.

The children have been extremely excited as we have an alien in our classroom!! A spaceship has crashed on the playground and the alien is now lost!! We will be linking this to our class text 'Beegu'.


Year One children learn to have a phonetic approach to their reading through daily phonic lessons.  Children learn sounds made by a letter or letters before blending the sounds together (from left to right) to read a word.  

Guided Reading sessions help develop fluent reading, aid comprehension skills and enable children to read for enjoyment.

Children may select a book to take home from our well resourced School Library.

Children are able to choose their own reading books to take home.

We have a cosy reading corner in the classroom.

Teaching and Learning In Year One




Learning Challenges


  Learning Challenges are used to link the teaching and learning of all subjects as well as provide an exciting, engaging and interesting curriculum. 

Year One children will be presented with the Learning Challenges: 


Am I an amazing animal?

Has man landed on the moon?

Keeping Fit

Mr Stevenson leads an outdoor PE on a Monday morning.


Mrs Sands teaches Gymnastics, Dance or Games on a Thursday.
